© Alpdrill GmbH
Ditch Witch, Tracto and Vermeer are registred marks ®
Created and Designed by Johannes Albrecht ©
Sta n da rd
Rotaryb east
Shar k
Rotary Steep- Taper- Tuff Bit
Tu f f- Bit
Steeringplate Standard
Steeringplate TCI
Steeringplate Shark
Steeringplate Steep-Taper-Tuff Bit
Steeringplate Rotarybeast
Steeringplate Rotary
Steeringplate Tuff Bit
In our product range we ha ve a huge of different st eer ingplates. For all requirements, w e can offer you the right one! Equipped in front with a hol e for sh ackle i n ord er t o b e able t o pull pipe directly after pil ot ing .