© Alpdrill GmbH
Ditch Witch, Tracto and Vermeer are registred marks ®
Created and Designed by Johannes Albrecht ©
Towing-Head with sealed bell
PE-Fuse on heads
Towing-Head with Konus
Sta nda rd wit h bell This towing heads are dou ble sealed (thread bar and bell). Available up to dia meter 400mm. From size of 160mm, the inner segm ents are hol d up with springs (withou t O-Ring). Also a vailable with reinforc ed thread bar!!!
Ko nu s This towing heads ha ve als o a s ealed thread bar and are available up to dia meter 560mm.
PE -Fuse on h eads Our PE-Fu s e on heads are made out of high qualit y mat erials and a vailable f or different SDR. Av ailable up to diamet er 710mm.